The Bayfront Park Conservancy – Sarasota, FL

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The Bayfront Park Conservancy – Sarasota, FL


The Bay Park Conservancy (BPC) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to establish a powerful cultural and economic impact in our community. The BPC is a part of a master plan for 53-acres of city-owned land that will provide public access to Sarasota's Bayfront.

Phase one is to be constructed over the next few years. Phase one will include the construction of the Sunset Lawns, the Sunset Pedestrian Boardwalk, the Fountain Garden, Mangrove Bayou, and the Living Shoreline.


Current Progress

Fountain Garden has recently been restored and is now open to the public. The restoration of this historic fountain included the addition of Florida-friendly vegetation and a no-mow/no-fertilizer buffer around the pond to help reduce run-off and restoring the fountain's foundation to improve water quality. The Fountain Garden is a great spot for anyone to enjoy whether they are looking for a place to enjoy a good read, enjoy nature, or relax that day.


The Mangrove Bayou 

The Mangrove Bayou was recently completed and is now open to the public.  The new walkway is a hub for walkers, runners, and bikers in the area. This half-mile path will feature a kayak launch, Hammock Grove, and an outdoor "Reading Room."


Living Shoreline 

The park's goal is to provide environmental sustainability. In 2019, the existing shoreline improved by restoring the crumbling seawall. With the addition of the Sunset Pedestrian Boardwalk, the Living Shoreline gains protection from further damage.


The Sunset Pedestrian Boardwalk

This uniquely designed; circular walkway will allow the public to walk over the bay. Visitors will have the chance to view the Mangrove Bayou without being disruptive to their environment. This is strictly for pedestrians only and no fishing or boating will be permitted.  Completion is expected in 2023.


The Lawn

The 1.5-acre portion of land between the Mangrove Bayou and Boulevard of the Arts will become a central area for all to enjoy. The Lawn will be used for many different purposes including fitness, art, education, events, etc.


The Bayfront’s master-planned project is beginning to come together as we see more and more parts of each phase completed and now open to the public. Stay tuned for upcoming news on their progress.


James Brown



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